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Junior Escaper


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7 reviews

58 Rooms played

85.7% escapepercentage


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7 reviews

A Timeless Adventure: Escaping Through History at Alden Biesen Castle

Based on a few personal recommendations and the stellar ratings we saw online, this escape room had been on our list for quite some time. Today, we finally made the somewhat longer journey to Alden Biesen Castle. The drive itself is impressive. We were greeted by a real baroque castle, complete with a majestic atmosphere, and even a little detour due to an unexpected road closure for a city run only added to our excitement to get started.

The warm welcome we received set the tone right away. The decor in the reception area immediately immersed us in the castle's rich history. Coming in from the bright outdoors, the dim lighting inside felt perfect for getting into the right mindset. After all, this castle's history dates back to the dark Middle Ages, around the year 1220.

Having tried various escape room concepts before, we appreciate them all if they’re thoughtfully designed and the overall concept holds together. This room met our expectations perfectly with its story and puzzles that felt just right for us. It was delightful to engage with classic puzzles and locks because the flow was smooth, and the narrative led us seamlessly from one challenge to the next. Some might call the room "old school," but for us, that was precisely its charm. With just two small hints, we solved the puzzles, ensuring each player enjoyed the experience. We even had 11 minutes to spare, which we gladly spent chatting with the incredibly friendly and enthusiastic hosts. We truly appreciated their passion and excitement in guiding and continually developing their room.

So, if you’re looking for an escape room that offers a genuinely authentic and classic treasure hunt experience, this one should definitely be on your list. We thoroughly enjoyed it!


Ambiance: 9.0

Game experience: 8.5

Service: 9.0

Played in May 2024

Played with 4 persons

Escaped: Yes  48:00 min

  • Ambiance
  • Great host
  • Puzzles
  • Experience
  • Location
  • Original


Botanist Manor

Escape Rush
Posted on: 2024 may 26

Buckle Up for "The Botanist": An Escape Room Thrill Ride

The name "The Botanist" might sound harmless, but trust me, you’re in for a wild ride with this one. We discovered this new escape room through a tip from another escape team. Lucky for us, we snagged a slot in their always-booked calendar and eagerly headed to Brussels. It was the sixth room we played that weekend, and it was perfect timing because this experience needed to be savored and processed.

WOW, where do I even begin? The welcome was as fantastic as ever, professional and immediately immersive. We had experienced this level of quality before with their White House room. Here we were again, ready to solve a new case. From the start, the video introduction was next-level, and even though I usually find videos a bit dull, this one perfectly set the stage, making us eager to step into the time machine.

What followed is hard to describe without giving too much away. Let's just say, if you enjoyed the escape experiences in Mechelen, you’re going to love this adventure. The technical and architectural aspects were top-notch, and we were hooked from the first minute. The beginning was incredibly engaging, allowing the group to split up and tackle solutions in parallel. From there, it was non-stop action as we delved deeper into the story. It was almost a shame we couldn’t spend more time admiring the detailed decor and rooms because we were so focused on solving the puzzles.

The tension built beautifully, and just when we thought it was over, there was more. Amazingly done, all the way to the end.

We finished with just 2 minutes to spare, utterly amazed and speechless. It was also wonderful to see our Game Master, who expertly guided us throughout the game, sharing our enthusiasm for this room. Rightly so. If you want an escape room that showcases what’s possible in terms of professionalism and player experience today, you won't be disappointed here. It was simply spectacular.


Ambiance: 10.0

Game experience: 10.0

Service: 9.0

Played in May 2024

Played with 4 persons

Escaped: Yes  78:00 min

  • Experience
  • Exciting
  • Ambiance
  • Storyline
  • Difficulty
  • Puzzles


Unraveling Mysteries in a farmhouse in Eindhoven

Through a recommendation from the 'Catch me if you can' room, we became aware of this provider and this room in Holland. Once we understood that this was the prequel to 'Catch me if you can,' we happily embraced the opportunity to dive into the story and make the most of our visit to Eindhoven.

The reception was very nice, and it didn't take long before we, as the FBI team, got to work on solving the case. The setting is functional and fitting for the story, and we quickly got to grips with the first puzzles. You can tell that this room isn't brand new, with some of the furniture showing a bit of wear and tear, but that was no problem for us. The puzzles are logically structured and quite challenging at times; in this room, you really have to look closely to discover everything. So, we spent a lot of time searching and realized that one or two more people would have been really helpful at this point.

Eventually, with a little help from our attentive GM, we found all the details and escaped—despite some minor technical interruptions—within the allotted time.

Overall, I'd rate the room as solid. Compared to the neighboring room, it's not as spectacular, but if you're already there, this room is certainly not boring and adds a bit more context to the overall story.

The GM also took good care of us, being friendly and attentive, and there was nothing to complain about.


Ambiance: 7.0

Game experience: 8.0

Service: 8.0

Played in May 2024

Played with 4 persons

Escaped: Yes

  • Goede begeleiding
  • Verhaal
  • Beleving


Catching Thrills and Chasing Time

After already playing the prequel, 'The Suspicious Farmhouse,' we were eagerly anticipating the highlight of our day, the room 'Catch me if you can.'

After a short, pleasant break between the two rooms, we found ourselves, following a nice introduction by our GM, soon inside the room. We loved the setting, which helped us fully immerse ourselves in the story. As FBI agents, we got to tackle various puzzles and thoroughly enjoyed getting into the flow of the game, working together and sometimes in parallel on different puzzles. Everyone had their moment to shine.

The special thing about this room is the surprise elements that kept catching us off guard and drawing us back into the excitement. The tension kept building throughout the game until the finale, where we completely lost track of time because we had become so engrossed in the story, partly thanks to the atmosphere.

With adrenaline pumping, we raced towards the exit with 26 seconds left on the clock and were thrilled with the extraordinary escape experience.

A big thank you to our GM, who seemed to have his eyes on us the whole time and stepped in at just the right moments to ensure we never got stuck or felt like we couldn't move forward.

Overall, a VERY rewarding experience! Must do!


Ambiance: 9.0

Game experience: 10.0

Service: 9.0

Played in May 2024

Played with 4 persons

Escaped: Yes

  • Sfeer
  • Origineel
  • Puzzels
  • Goede begeleiding
  • Beleving
  • Goede service
  • Moeilijkheidsgraad


Hunting Season

Tales of Torchdale
Posted on: 2024 may 18

A Fun Adventure That Almost Hit the Mark!

Hunting Season had been on our list of rooms we wanted to play for quite some time. The excellent reviews and intriguing theme had piqued our curiosity, and the anticipated excitement added to our eagerness.

The room itself is very rural and remote, but the signs clearly mark the way to the entrance. We initially found ourselves before a locked door but were eventually allowed into the lobby, which, while not particularly beautiful or original, served its purpose. After the extensive prelude by the GM-actor in the previously played room Toy Factory, we got to experience the exact opposite here: before we knew it, we were in the room, and the game began.

The room tells the story very well, and we immediately felt immersed in the theme. The tension elements stayed in the background and didn’t distract from the puzzles, which were very entertaining and smoothly led us from one to the next. Even though one puzzle didn’t work perfectly and we needed a hint and more time to revisit a solution path we had previously discarded due to lack of success, our enthusiasm wasn’t dampened, and we progressed well.

The puzzles were mostly logical and doable. In the middle of the game, two well-placed small hints helped us get back on track.

We would have happily continued like this until the end. Why we got a hint for a puzzle that was already solved at the end remains a mystery to us. Distracted, we searched a room again where everything had already been solved, and nothing more could be found.

This wouldn't have been a big deal. Even a GM can miss with a hint now and then. It's just a pity that this time cost us precisely what we needed to find our way out on our own at the end. In the final room, things got hectic, our GM remained silent, and even though we solved everything, we missed out on that sweet final success feeling. And we would have liked to take that home with us.

Our GM came in with the words 'Almost made it' and left us standing there, as the room needed to be tidied up first.

Perhaps we are now spoiled by other rooms, where we have come to appreciate friendly and attentive service. Just as with Toy Factory, we would have personally enjoyed a friendlier and more attentive interaction with our GM.

But of course, that's a matter of taste – we love to play just for fun.

This shouldn’t detract from the fact that it was a great and original room that we wouldn’t want to miss from our list of experiences and which, apart from the personal interaction, fully met our expectations.


Ambiance: 9.0

Game experience: 9.0

Service: 5.0

Played in May 2024

Played with 3 persons

Escaped: No

  • Beleving
  • Puzzels
  • Moeilijkheidsgraad
  • Sfeer
  • Slechte service
  • Slechte begeleiding


Harbor Hotel

TheStart EscapeRooms
Posted on: 2024 may 13

This hotel packs a punch!

I've probably mulled over this room more than any of the previous 48 (including one sleepless night). I'll admit it, I'm a scaredy-cat, got nerves of jelly, and this room pushed me to my limits, but hey, it's good to try something a bit more thrilling once in a while. The reviews here and my stellar experience with the FBI Training Academy certainly helped in booking this.

The big day arrives, knees shaking, I step into the room with my trusty team, though only three instead of four - our mascot had to sit this one out due to being too young.

Once again, it's proven that it's always nice to have dealings with the owner. After some really pleasant chats and intros, I must say, this one here ranks among the particularly enjoyable and welcoming ones. That's not a given, so let's just say it again here.

We're smoothly led into the game, and just before I can bolt, it begins, and the room pulls me in. After a few hotel settings played before, this one stands out from minute one, conveying the story and the game's eerie atmosphere superbly. It's impressive how they've managed to seamlessly integrate elements across all levels to work harmoniously as a whole. After a while, my heart rate calms down, and I can fully engage with the puzzles, which all made sense, were understandable, and were very diverse. It felt like one big, long flow where we moved from puzzle to puzzle, concentrated, and everything just clicked, making the game really enjoyable.

The room kept me hooked in the best way possible until the very end, and it remained surprisingly unpredictable until the finale. Sweaty, exhausted, yet oddly exhilarated, we emerged after a good 90 minutes and had to gather our wits. Rarely have I savored a drink afterward so much.

Our GM's guidance was spot-on the whole time. If we got stuck, we got a nudge in the right direction, but otherwise, we were left to puzzle through with joy and healthy tension.

Conclusion: For me - despite my initial doubts - it's a top-notch room and a fantastic experience. I almost feel sad that it's over now ;) Whether I'll dare to tackle Chernobyl remains to be seen. Anyway - it's not out of the question.


Ambiance: 10.0

Game experience: 10.0

Service: 10.0

Played in May 2024

Played with 3 persons

Escaped: Yes

  • Goede service
  • Origineel
  • Beleving
  • Puzzels
  • Sfeer
  • Moeilijkheidsgraad
  • Spannend


A Cinematic Escape Adventure: A Birthday Bash Like No Other!

How can you add something to a review for a room that's already been described with every superlative in the book? I have no idea, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway, just to say thanks for a fantastic escape experience that is unparalleled in EVERY respect.

We knew this room was going to be something special thanks to all the glowing reviews, so we decided to celebrate one of our team member's birthdays here.

Excited and full of anticipation, we entered the lobby and were greeted by the owner with such friendliness and warmth that we immediately felt comfortable and welcomed. We were given time to settle in and then allowed to start our adventure.

From the very first second, we were immersed in the story. It's unbelievable how all the sensory elements harmoniously come together to holistically immerse us and transport us into the world of cinema. The first puzzles were a lot of fun, captured our attention, and we delved deeper and deeper into the story. Seamlessly guided from one theme to the next, "The Movies" is a captivating success story, and we were thrilled by all the details that come together here with such finesse. The puzzles are varied, entertaining, and always fitting to the theme, so we kept eagerly diving into new worlds. The decor created here is unique, and it's obvious that not only technical know-how and architectural skills but also a love for the game and the theme come together here.

With a huge sense of satisfaction, we finished the adventure and were delighted to have a few minutes to chat with the owner, Anthony.

With so much success, you might think that someone could be a bit spoiled and that individual guest feedback might not matter as much. All the more positive was our experience of how human, approachable, and empathetic Anthony was as he engaged with us. We even got to toast our birthday kid with a piece of cake, which was a joyous surprise that we'd happily give more than 10 stars for.

Anthony also has many kind words for his colleagues and gave us lots of tips on other recommended rooms, many of which we've since played, and all of them were hits.

Overall, it was an extraordinary experience that we'll look back on with a big smile and a lot of appreciation for a long time to come.


Ambiance: 10.0

Game experience: 10.0

Service: 10.0

Played in March 2024

Played with 4 persons

Escaped: Yes

  • Sfeer
  • Goede service
  • Puzzels
  • Origineel
  • Goede begeleiding
  • Beleving
  • Moeilijkheidsgraad
  • Diversiteit
  • Verhaal
  • Logica


0 reviews